Camp Life
Living in Faith Everyday
July 9th-15th
Cost $500
Calling all campers in grades 2-8! Get ready for a fun-filled week of faith and adventure. This summer, we have an exciting week planned to encourage campers to make new friends and explore God’s creation at the safe and beautiful grounds of Camp Lebanon. By participating in daily Bible studies and vesper services, campers will be able to grow closer to God & live in faith every day. Campers will participate in many outdoor and indoor activities, learn to work together, and experience an exciting week.
Activities include swimming, arts & crafts, ropes course, games, and snacks offered at our Snackery. Campers will have the opportunity to try something new with electives that include cooking, video making, sailing, rocketry, archery, and more! Camp wide evening programs will include a talent show, singing around a campfire, and an awesome glow party.
Meet our Session Leaders
Rev. Jesse and Nicole Nietzer are excited lead Family Camp and Camp LIFE this summer. Pastor Jesse is the pastor of First Baptist Church of South Plainfield and has led Family camp since it started in 2017. Nicole is an ESL teacher in Plainfield and was the director of a day camp at the Salvation Army in Bethlehem, PA for three summers. Both Pastor Jesse and Nicole have been on staff at Camp Lebanon and bring their passion for children’s ministry to welcoming your children at Camp Lebanon this summer.